Environmental Philosophy and Policy
Customizing Division has defined the following Environmental Philosophy and Environment Policy and strives to protect the environments in all of its business activity fields, including product planning, development, production, sales, and after-sales services of converted vehicles and vehicle parts.
Environmental Philosophy
We use our knowledge, skills, and personnel to their fullest to continually provide high quality, attractive products that are friendly to people and to the environment, and carry out environmental activities with the aim of improving the environment both on a global and local scale.
Environmental Policy
Regulatory compliance and pollution prevention
Customizing Division complies with regulations and voluntary environmental standards, local agreements, and industry standards, and strives to prevent pollution.
Environmental impact reduction
Customizing Division sets environmental goals and targets with the aim of continuously reducing its energy consumption and its production of waste and pollutants in order to effectively use resources and protect the environment, and regularly reviews and maintains these goals and environmental targets.
Cultivation of a corporate culture that values the environment
Customizing Division strives to provide each and every employee with a greater awareness of environmental issues, cultivate a corporate culture that values resource and environmental conservation, and continuously improve its environmentally friendly business activities.
Harmonious coexistence with the community
Customizing Division strives to collaborate and harmoniously coexist with local society and contribute to the improvement of environmental conservation.
Environmental management
We actively carry out environmental activities as part of Nissan's Green Program, whose goal is "Symbiosis of People, Vehicles and Nature."
Based on our environmental management system, we carry out environmental conservation initiatives in all of our business activity fields, including planning, design, production, and after-sales services of converted vehicles and vehicle parts.
Building environmental management systems and promoting activities
We have established a system that defines environmental activity policies and targets, conducts reviews of the status of their implementation, and promoted environmental activities.
On September 10, 2010, AUTECH JAPAN obtained ISO14001 certification. ISO14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems.
[Global warming mitigation: CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions reductions]
Energy consumption reductions through facility maintenance
Thorough management of air conditioning and lighting and reduction of energy consumption
[Resource conservation] Reduce, reuse, and recycle
Reduction of article purchasing and waste production
Reuse and recycling of products and components
[Environmentally hazardous substance management and reduction]
We work with affiliated companies to actively engage in various environmental activities, such as switching to materials and parts that do not contain environmentally hazardous substances.
Harmonious coexistence with the community
We actively engage with the community through other activities.

in Sagami river.
Sagami River Beautification Council
In order to protect the waters of the Sagami River, a class A river, this council engages in activities such as studying and researching the appropriate processing of factory effluent, carrying out river patrols, and holding environmental seminars for local residents.
Quality management system
Customizing Division has built and operates a quality management system based on IATF16949, led by its quality policy of continuously improving Q.D.C. and providing customers with the ultimate in satisfaction.
This guarantees thorough quality management throughout business discussions, development, production, and product shipping, and ensures a stable supply of high quality products.